Hello, Friends,

I hope you all will get a lot of good information from this post. Today we are going to discuss topics related to battery and charger in this post. And this article will also talk about some technical suggestions regarding the maintenance of batteries and chargers.  We get to learn Battery Charging Tips For Android Phones and how can you increase the life of your phone battery? also, talk about how much and how much you have to charge your device.

Battery Charging Tips For Android Phones

Every person definitely charges their battery at least once a day. Otherwise, he is afraid of the phone going off. In today’s era, phones, laptops, or many types of electronic devices have an important contribution to our daily life only nowadays, most of the work is done by our electronic devices. But a battery has a big role behind these devices. So everyone is very concerned about their battery life.
So today we are going to talk about how you can increase your battery life for maximum time. And we will also tell you the best methods related to the battery and its charging. No battery manufacturer will give you such a battery so that you can enjoy its lifetime.
Most smartphone manufacturer companies say that the batteries in their devices have a life span of 300–500 cycles.

When to Charge Your Device?

Smartphones use Li-ion batteries that don’t really need to be fully charged, so you should keep the battery for 50% or longer. A big question by a lot of users is whether O should allow your phone to run at 0% before charging 100%, then it is not right to do so that your phone’s battery level does not go below 20%. Nor do full charge up to 100%. For good battery life, keep the level between 20–80%. Only charge the phone when it is in the middle of this level. Otherwise doing 0% – 100% will complete one life cycle of your battery. So we have to keep in mind that the battery cycle is not allowed to complete. So when charging your Li-ion batteries, a good range is aimed at 40 to 80 % at a time. Try not to make the battery level less than 20 %.

When to do a Full Charge?

A 0% to 100% charge is recommended by most experts once a month. It is important to do so because it calibrates the battery but it should not be done often. Calibration of the battery is also necessary, so sometimes you can calibrate the battery. Otherwise, sometimes it happens that you put your phone in charge and it becomes fully charged fast in a few minutes but as soon as you start using it, the battery level starts decreasing at the same speed. The process of re-starting the phone and calibration works for the battery in the same way that an employee goes on a holiday. So If you are going on a trip or there is a case where you are not able to charge, then only you can charge your battery full 100%

Should I charge my phone overnight?

Most modern smartphones specialize in turning off automatic charging when fully charged, so there is no greater risk of charging your phone overnight. But some experts advise you not to charge for a long time in such cases, as may happen when the case is hot – which do not like lithium-ion batteries.

Which charger should we use?

use always original charger only

We should always try to use the original charger that came with the phone. Because all those chargers flow currents compatible to both your phone and battery.
And never keep your battery at 0% longer. And if you leave such 0% for a long time without charging, then it is possible that your battery fails to store the charge again, ie the battery is dead. So it is not good for the health of the battery, so keep the phone charged at least half.


Battery Charging Tips For Android Phones.

1.  Reduce screen brightness or use auto-brightness mode.

Of course, you will definitely like your phone’s enhanced, colorful, and bright display, but your display consumes more battery than other components. So keep the display brightness low or Most phones include an auto-brightness mode feature that automatically adjusts the screen brightness to suit light levels.

2. Turn off Bluetooth and WiFi

Like Bluetooth, your phone’s Wi-Fi radio is also a serious battery-consuming medium. So turn on the phone’s wireless media only when it is needed, otherwise keep Bluetooth and Wifi off.

3. Control on-location services, and GPS.

Another big battery sucker is some apps that access  GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile data to monitor your location.

4. Don’t leave apps running in the background.

Apps running in the background also use a lot of battery. In Android, tap the Recent App button- usually the right-most of the three icons “Tree Line button” at the bottom of the screen – and you can wipe away all the recent apps to close them and uninstall apps that are not in use.

5. Power-saving modes.

For good battery life, you can use a specific feature of your phone, which is known as a power saver. Turn on power saver mode if you want a great battery backup. By default, this mode is auto turned on when your battery level goes below than 20 percent, But you can set it to auto on at 30 percent.

I hope you like the information given in this post and it will answer all the questions related to your battery and charger, if I have missed anything and you want to know about it without any stress Please tell us in the comment box below or contact us with the help of contact us page.

If these steps don’t fix the problem then you may really need to go to the service center. Good luck!

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