Today I am back with a new Article in this article you can learn how to fix Don’t cover the orange area of the screen or Fix Don’t Cover the earphone area in Redmi /Xiaomi Smartphones.  Lately, I have seen many people complaining about a feature which they consider it as a bug. The screenshot is attached below.


As you can see in the screenshot it says “Don’t cover the orange area of the screen” or its show
I would like to inform users that it is not a bug but a feature that prevents Accidental Dial ups and Accidental receiving of calls when our device is in our pocket.

The screen also occurs when we try to unlock our devices and we accidentally cover the orange area, which helps us with accidental pocket unlock for devices like Redmi Note 3, Redmi 3s Prime or any Mi device which has Fingerprint Sensor at the back of Device or any other Mi device that doesn’t have FPS.
The screen appears when our hand covers the proximity sensor of our device or the orange area as shown in the screenshot.

Must read:-   How to Fix Proximity Sensor Or Black Screen Issue During Call-In MI4I

Many of you would be thinking that how can we enable or disable the feature. There is an option to enable and disable it.

Don’t cover the earphone area of the screen:

Users may use the below steps to enable or disable the feature.

  • screenshot_2016-12-07-00-14-08-297_com-miui-home
    First of All Open Setting.
  • Just go Down and find Lock Screen & Password.
  • Open it Up.

lock screen and password

  • Again Go Down and find Pocket mode.


  • Simply turn off pocket mode.


If you have Done All the steps as given in Screenshots than you can fix your problem.

Voila, and you won’t see it again.
The other way to avoid it from happening is that you don’t cover the orange area. All about “Don’t cover the orange area of the screen” screen

For Don’t cover the earphone area :

I hope you liked & Enjoy this article so simply Follow the above Guide for FIX DON’T COVER THE ORANGE AREA OF SCREEN IN REDMI so keep visiting here for more cool stuffs like this thanks.

I hope you understand all the steps without any problem and this tutorial very helpful for you.

If these steps doesn’t fix the problem then you may really need to go to the service center. Good luck!

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Thanks, friends keep visiting for more tips and tricks related to Xiaomi/Redmi phones.


  1. But when in am not able to unlock my screen, how can I go to settings? Please suggest a solution to unlock the screen so that I can change this setting

  2. Hi,
    I have an Mi MAX. I have started developing a new problem where it says “Dont over the earphone area” and it asking me to hold the back button and the volume up bottom to disable it. I do as instructed and it works. But I wanted this to stop permanently. SO I followed your suggestion and put off the Pocket mode. And it worked. But then later I installed the finder sensor opening by registering my finger print.

    After that the problem returned next morning saying “Dont cover earphone area” SO I went to find out the Pocket mode. I now see something strange

    I am not able to put the Pocket Mode off as that feature looks disabled. IT is showing permanently on and not allowing me to disable it. This is such a nuisance. Please let me know how to handle this.

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